Who’s Who In Canada And Why was first published in 1910 and has been published annually ever since. It is currently published by Grey House Publishing Canada, which is based in Toronto.
Robert Pym Butchart’s first entry in Who’s Who In Canada And Why appeared in the 1917 edition. He was given a biographical entry in Who’s Who In Canada And Why in each subsequent annual edition until 1947-48, somehow overlooking the fact that Robert Butchart had died in 1943. In its 1949-50 edition, Canadian Who’s Who And Why finally published an obituary notice for Robert Butchart, seven years after his death.
Here is the portrait photo of Robert Butchart that appeared in the 1917 edition of Who’s Who In Canada And Why:

Here is the entry for Robert Butchart in the 1917 edition of Who’s Who In Canada And Why:

I have examined Robert Butchart’s entries in Who’s Who In Canada And Why in some detail in my book, From Devastation To Beauty: The Creation Of The Butchart Gardens.
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